The National Reproductive Health Conference (NRHC)

The National Reproductive Health Conference (NRHC)

 The CTC-SRH will be hosting the 12th Annual National Reproductive Health Conference (NRHC). This year’s theme is Revolutionizing Care: Shaping the Future of Quality Family Planning and is the only national conference dedicated to Title X clinicians and sexual and reproductive health professionals. The 2024 NRHC is not only about sharing knowledge but also about influencing the future direction of quality family planning and sexual + reproductive health. Pre-conference Title X member fee costs $80 per session and Pre-conference Non-Title X costs $95 per session. Discount of 10% per registrant if four or more attendees register together with one payment. Regular pricing is from Aug. 5th-Sept. 9th and late registration is from Sept. 10th-13th. Register here today.